The “Projeto Ararinha na Natureza” led by SAVE Brasil, launched the first annual report of the conservation outreach activities it is undertaking with the aim of preparing a future reintroduction of the iconic Spix’s Macaw. The species is currently “extinct in the wild” although a number of institutions have been collaboration to return this species to its natural habitat. It has been a great pleasure to have been involved in the evaluation strategy of the project and I look forward for the next year
You can find the report here (in Portuguese). More details below:
The Spix’s Macaw is one of the most endangered animals on the planet due to the historical destruction of its habitat (Caatinga) and intense capture for illegal trade. Its population has been drastically reduced and the last known specimen disappeared in 2000, leaving only the animals kept in captivity. Therefore, the species has become a global symbol of the importance of biodiversity preservation. The only hope for the return of the Spix’s Macaw to the wild rests on an increase in the number of animals in captivity and protection of its original habitat.
In order to achieve these goals, the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Spix’s Macaw was created with the participation of various executing and supporting agencies, including the holders (Al-Wabra Wildlife Preservation; ACTP – Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots; Nest and Lymington Foundation), and the coordinator Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio). The Spix’s Macaw in the Wild project supports the implementation of the Action Plan. It is executed by ICMBio and the nonprofit civil society organizations SAVE Brasil and Funbio – the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (via Fauna Brazil Portfolio), with the sponsorship of Vale, and now brings together other institutions involved in the species conservation and currently symbolizes the Action Plan.
To learn more, access the project profile on Facebook: (