

Talking about nature has frequently become talking about extinction and loss. But it does not have to be that way. The digital storytelling project “Lost and Found” works to bring to life the inspirational stories of animals and plants that were thought extinct, but were eventually rediscovered. Our goal is to change the conversation around conservation, away from doom and gloom and towards more positive and enthusiastic messaging. Have you heard the story of the Woolly Flying Squirrel? The Rainbow Toad? What about the Bermuda Petrel?

If you are curious, have a look!



  • BIOgrafias: Vidas de quem estuda a vida (In Portuguese) Edited with M Pais & C Brito. Escola de Mar Publishers, Lisbon Portugal.

    Eighteen biologists came together to tell the best field stories of their career. There is something for everyone in these 35 field stories that became career landmarks for those who lived them.


  • Ten Friends to Remember, with S Kumara, A deSoya, S Fernado, S Jasinghe. Centre for Eco-social Studies (CES), Sri Lanka

    A storybook telling a young boys journey through the different issues that impact Sri Lankan wildlife.

Social Media

I founded and co-managed until 2019 the social media platform I fucking Love Biodiversity which used Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to spread exciting and surprising facts about nature. We had 30 000+ fans/followers and reached millions of people in our six years of activity. The platform is now inactive as I could no longer dedicate the time needed to run it.