I am available to speak to the press on issues related to my expertise. Please e-mail me with the subject “media request” and I’ll get back to you within one business day.
Key topics include:
- Influencing the behaviour of consumers of legal and illegal wildlife products to achieve sustainability
- Impact of media (e.g, movies documentaries, social media) on wildlife and its conservation
- Using digital technologies (e.g., mobile games, social media or virtual reality) to increase support for biodiversity conservation
- Measuring and understanding the impact of communication and education strategies aimed at conserving biodiversity
I have done over 50 media interviews including live and pre-recorded, for TV, radio and podcasts, as well newspaper, magazines and websites. My work has been covered, among others, by the BBC, NPR, Washington Post, CNN and ABC Australia. In addition my work has received media coverage in countries such as Costa Rica, Seychelles, Portugal, Brazil, France, São Tomé and Príncipe, India and China. I’ve also authored articles about my research in outlets such as BBC Wildlife Magazine, The Ecologist, I Fucking Love Science, The Conversation and The Independent.
See some examples below:
- In São Tomé, a Pop Star Helps Keep Sea Turtles Off the Dinner Table, Atlas Obscura
- Using the power of pop to change minds over sea turtle meat consumption, BBC Oxford
- Finding Dory did not increase demand for pet fish despite viral media stories, The Conversation UK
- Do Films Like Finding Nemo Increase Demand For Their Animal Stars? I Fucking Love Science
- Les films comme Nemo ne favoriseraient pas l’achat d’animaux selon une étude, Science et Avenir (in French)
- Finding Nemo, Harry Potter and Zootopia are GOOD for the environment: Animal movies promote awareness and don’t increase risk to species, say researchers Daily Mail
- Rumors of Dory’s Demise Were Greatly Exaggerated, Hakai Magazine
- Finding Dory didn’t endanger blue tang fish, say researchers studying the ‘Nemo effect’, CBC Canada
- Sessão Animal, Revista Galileu (in Portuguese)
- Truth or fiction: Hollywood is driving species to extinction, BBC Widllife
- Did Harry Potter Create A Demand For Pet Owls In The UK? Forbes
- The real cost of Chinese medicine, BBC Radio 4
- How the social sciences can help conservationists save species, Mongabay.com
- Beyond Basic Instincts: Focus on Socio-Cultural Ties for Better Conservation, Impact Magazine
- To Ban or Not to Ban: is That the Question? Isles of the Left (co-authored with Brian Campbell)
- The danger of seeing cute animals everywhere, Washington Post
- Lost and found: telling the stories of rediscovered species, Positive News
- Will optimistic stories get people to care about nature? The Conversation US
- Lost & Found: Nature Stories That Will Make You Smile, National Geographic, Voices Blog
- Sea turtles of São Tomé: Selling what can’t be sold, National Geographic, Voices Blog
- ‘Lost & Found’: Telling the stories of rediscovered species, Mongabay.com
- Even ugly animals can win hearts and dollars to save them from extinction, The Conversation US
- 乐观的新闻报道会让人们更关心自然吗? EcoAction China Blog (in Chinese)
- Nombre record de pique-bœufs comptés sur un mammifère, Ornithomedia (in French)
- A estrada da morte: BR 163 tem recorde de atropelamento de antas, O Eco
- Wildlife experts favour science to counter trafficking, Business Standard
- , The Huffington Post
- Diogo has won a nature award from IUCN, WILDER Magazine
- Is Zootopia Creating Demand for Pet Fennec Foxes in China? (SPOILER: Probably Not), National Geographic, Voices Blog
- Why killing lions like Cecil may actually be good for conservation, The Conversation US
- Challenging the traditional conference model, Conservation Bytes. com
- The trouble with using synthetic rhino horn to stop poaching, The Conversation US
- New working group links marketing to biodiversity conservation, IUCN CEC Newsletter
- Black Stork Down: the trap of communicating the ‘Wildlife Wars’, The Conversation US
- Kathryn Bigelow and the bogus link between ivory and terrorism, The Conversation US
- O regresso do Falcão Maltês, Nebri, Magazine da Associação Portuguesa de Falcoaria (in Portuguese)
- El problema con el uso del cuerno de rinoceronte sintético para acabar con la caza furtiva, Magazine of the Asociación Ibérica de Cuidadores de Animales Salvajes, XV, 31 (in Spanish)
- To reduce rhino poaching, take demand for horns seriously, The Conversation US
- Next big idea in forest conservation? Harness the power of marketing, 2014. Mongabay.com
- I still fucking love biodiversity, Conservation Bytes. com
- Wildlife Photography – Ethics and Conservation Issues? Focusing on Wildlife.com
- I fucking love biodiversity, Conservation Bytes. com
- Feel the love, Blog of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Flagging up species, Blog of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Greening” the Crisis: Turning Trouble into Opportunity, The Ecologist
- Selling biodiversity: Why we need marketing, Biodiversity Science, 5
- Maior congresso do mundo sobre conservação da natureza começa hoje. Naturlink (in Portuguese)
- Congresso Mundial de Conservação da Natureza 2012 chega ao fim. Naturlink (in Portuguese)
- Vendendo um planeta melhor, Revista Parques e Vida Selvagem, Parque Biológico de Gaia (in Portuguese)
- Ilhas Saltees: o reino das aves marinhas, Revista Pardela, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (in Portuguese)
- Small world, BBC Wildlife Magazine
- Conservação da Biodiversidade: Do Global ao Local, 2010. Revista Parques e Vida Selvagem, Parque Biológico de Gaia (in Portuguese)
- Monthly environmental opinion column, entitled Verde Sangue, in the regional newspaper Voz da Minha Terra, Portugal
- Turning the turtle, BBC Wildlife Magazine
- Un Visitante Lejano, Newspaper The voice of Tortuguero, with R. Chaverri (in Spanish)
- Bienvenidos a la Estación Biológica Caño Palma, Newspaper The voice of Tortuguero, with S. Arce (in Spanish)
- Aves do Sri Lanka, Revista Pardela, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves
- Flagship species: From tourists to conservationists. 2007. Zwazo Magazine, Nature Seychelles
- O Mosquito: Da educação ambiental à educação para sustentabilidade, Revista Parques e Vida Selvagem, Parque Biológico de Gaia (in Portuguese)
- A reserva ecológica de Pipa, Revista Parques e Vida Selvagem, Parque Biológico de Gaia (in Portuguese)